Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Break? More like Spring Broken.

I was so excited for Spring Break this year. The kids didn't have school and I had plans. Plans to get together with friends from other schools, plans to play outside and general plans to have fun.

This year, it wasn't meant to be. On Friday I came down with bronchitis. Actually, I think I had been coming down with it for the past two weeks, but it hit on Friday. And when it hit, I was down.

How I long to use this post to detail all my ailments, to go on and on about the ins and outs of my five days on the couch. But that's not what this post is about (you're welcome). For me, it's about watching my life but not participating in it. It's a really odd feeling. So, from my drug-induced haze, here's what I observed.

1. My husband rocks.
2. If you eat every meal out of a paper bag, the sink is always clean and the dishwasher empty.
3. The trash is a different story.
4. Noggin and Disney have children's programming on ALL DAY.
5. Children can function nicely and have a great time even if their clothes don't exactly "go" together.
6. When held captive on the couch, one can watch too much Nascar.
7. If you're not careful, toys cars and super heros can become permanent fixtures and even seen as decorative items in your den.
8. Children, when left unattended, will not hesitate to "color" the tablecloth on your dining room table.
9. If you forget to put a pull-up on your child before he goes to bed, you will have twice as much laundry the next day.
10. Men are capable of washing mounds of laundry. They are not, however, capable of folding it.

Those are the highlights. I'm sure I could have thought of more, but my cough syrup had codine in it, so much of my memory is bit fuzzy.

I'm back on my feet now and getting back to normal. If you see Merk, make sure you give him a high five. He deserves a gold medal for his performance last week. At the very least, I hope to make him dinner tonight, but I'm not sure if he will see that as a treat or a punishment. Ahh, the plusses and minuses of getting back to normal.

1 comment:

holly said...

oh, lea! so sorry you were sick...i was right there with you all week on bedrest, watching my own life before my eyes!!! so glad you are feeling better...glad luke got his present! miss you! :)